New homes can come with unexpected obstacles that need fast fixing. For this home, it wasn’t until much later on that they discovered buried rubbish in their back yard.
That is when our client realized the best way to get the buried rubbish out was with a small digger. They went on the search to find the best option for this type of work and came across our previous article “Contaminated Buried Rubbish Removal.”
They gave us a call and a week later they were booked in and our team was onsite ready to make their area tidy and safe again.
Our digger uncovered old tarpaulins, old clothes, shoes, concrete pieces that were buried years ago.

Our digger continued to remove the rubbish and then went on to level the section out. The last step including laying some grass seed.
Overall, our team took away a truck load of rubbish and soil and spent a day onsite.

Check out the after photo below

For all our digger services go here.
If you would like an estimate quote for digger hire, email us at